Saturday, August 13, 2011

GATE 2012 Syllabus for Engineering Mathematics|GATE 2012 Syllabus for Engineering Mathematics|GATE 2012 Engineering Mathematics|Syllabus for Engineering Mathematics|Gate syllabus for Engineering Mathematics|Gate 2012syllabus for Engineering Mathematics|Gate2012 syllabus for Engineering Mathematics

General Aptitude (GA)

Verbal Ability: English grammar, sentence completion, verbal analogies, word groups, instructions, critical reasoning and verbal deduction.

Numerical Ability: Numerical computation, numerical estimation, numerical reasoning and data interpretation.
Engineering Mathematics

Linear Algebra: Algebra of matrices, inverse, rank, system of linear equations, symmetric, skew-symmetric and orthogonal matrices. Hermitian, skew-Hermitian and unitary matrices. eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalisation of matrices, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem.

Calculus: Functions of single variable, limit, continuity and differentiability, Mean value theorems, Indeterminate forms and L’Hospital rule, Maxima and minima, Taylor’s series, Fundamental and mean value-theorems of integral calculus. Evaluation of definite and improper integrals, Beta and Gamma functions, Functions of two variables, limit, continuity, partial derivatives, Euler’s theorem for homogeneous functions, total derivatives, maxima and minima, Lagrange method of multipliers, double and triple integrals and their applications, sequence and series, tests for convergence, power series, Fourier Series, Half range sine and cosine series.

Complex variable: Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Application in solving potential problems, Line integral, Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula (without proof), Taylor’s and Laurent’ series, Residue theorem (without proof) and its applications.

Vector Calculus: Gradient, divergence and curl, vector identities, directional derivatives, line, surface and volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems (without proofs) applications.

Ordinary Differential Equations: First order equation (linear and nonlinear), Second order linear differential equations with variable coefficients, Variation of parameters method, higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Cauchy- Euler’s equations, power series solutions, Legendre polynomials and Bessel’s functions of the first kind and their properties.

Partial Differential Equations: Separation of variables method, Laplace equation, solutions of one dimensional heat and wave equations.

Probability and Statistics: Definitions of probability and simple theorems, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, Binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions, correlation and linear regression.

Numerical Methods: Solution of a system of linear equations by L-U decomposition, Gauss-Jordan and Gauss-Seidel Methods, Newton’s interpolation formulae, Solution of a polynomial and a transcendental equation by Newton-Raphson method, numerical integration by trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule and Gaussian quadrature, numerical solutions of first order differential equation by Euler’s method and 4th order


Unknown said...

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Anjali Singh said...

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